University of Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science, United states
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Nandula Raghuram
Nandula Raghuram, India
Xuewu Zhang
South China University of Technology
Xuewu Zhang is a Professor at the South China University of Technology, China
Thomas Miedaner
University of Hohenheim
Thomas Miedaner is a Professor at the University of Hohenheim, Germany
Neil O. Anderson
University of Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science
United states
Neil Anderson, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., is the Department Head, a Full Professor and J. William Fulbright Scholar, directing the Herbaceous Ornamental Breeding Program for the University of Minnesota. His administrative duties include research, teaching, and extension arenas.
Nandula Raghuram
Nandula Raghuram
Enabling crop Improvement for Nitrogen Use Efficiency in rice: From phenotype to candidate genes/processes and the role of G-protein signalling