day 1 agenda

Scientific Program
5th Annual Congress on Plant Science and Biosecurity
Jun 23 - 24, 2025 at Prague, Czech Republic (Hybrid Event)
Day -1 (June 23, 2025)
08:30-09:30 | Registrations
09:30-09:45 | Opening Ceremony & Moderator Speech
Moderator: TBA
Keynote Forum
09:45-10:15 Title: Genomics and phenomics among and within extant populations of the trifecta Chrysanthemum arcticum L. species complex
Neil O. Anderson, University of Minnesota, USA
10:15-10:45 Title: The role of drought on the evolution of woodiness in flowering plants
Frederic Lens, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands
10:45-11:15 Title: Enabling crop Improvement for Nitrogen Use Efficiency in rice: From phenotype to candidate genes/processes and the role of G-protein signalling
  Nandula Raghuram, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India
11:15-11:30 | Group Photo & Refreshment Break
Technical Session I
Session Chairs: Rong Di, Rutgers University, United States
11:30-11:50 Title: Monitoring climate change in alpine regions through the evolutionary ecology of organisms adapted to cool environments
Koji Tojo, Shinshu University, Japan
11:50-12:10 Title: Cross-talks between phytochromes and FIN219/JAR1 in regulating the
photomorphogenic development of Arabidopsis seedlings
Hsu-Liang Hsieh, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
12:10-12:30 Title: Cation transport for homeostasis and stress adaptation in plants
Nobuyuki Uozumi, Tohoku University, Japan
12:30-12:50 Title: Multi-dimensional crop improvement to improve livestock productivity
Padmakumar Varijakshapanicker, International Livestock Research Institute, Nepal
12:50-13:10 Slot Available
13:10-14:10 | Lunch Break
Technical Session I
Session Chair: Oihane Simón, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain
14:10-14:30 Title: Microbes and microbial strategies in carcinogenic polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons remediation: a systematic review
Sandipan Banerjee, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
14:30-14:50 Title: Machine Learning Model for cost effective Vegetation Indexes Prediction 
Luciano Ortenzi,  Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy
14:50-15:10 Title: Investigation on phytoremediation potential of Pinus halepensis in contaminated mine site
Pegah Kharazian, University of Cagliari, Italy
15:10-15:30 Title: Role of Tyrosine Autophosphorylation and Methionine Residues in BRI1 Function in Arabidopsis thaliana
Man-Ho Oh, Chungnam National University,South Korea
15:30-15:50 Title: The effects of business associations in the export–survival relationship: An application to the DOC Rioja wine industry
Marta Fernández-Olmos, University of Zaragoza, Spain
15:50-16:10 Slot Available
16:10-16:30 | Refreshment Break
16:30-16:50 Title: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus Spread Stochastic Simulations and Control in Camels in the United Arab Emirates
Sinethemba Patience Fanelwe Ximba, Agricultural Research Council, Mbombela, South Africa
16:50-17:10 Title: Building up the mechanical stability of a plant orgqanism
Tatyana Gorshkova, Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Russia
17:10-17:30 Title: Genetic diversity and population structure of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Philippines
Barbara L. Caoili, University of the Philippines Los Banos
Day 1 Concludes

day 2 agenda

Will be Updated soon.

posters agenda

Will be updated soon.

posters agenda

Will be updated soon.
